Palazzo Vecchio hosts the Municipality of Florence, therefore it often hosts events closed to the public. Find the closures and current exhibitions on the official website
In a historic first, Florence dedicates an exhibition at Palazzo Vecchio to the painter Giovanni Stradano (Jan van der Straet, Bruges 1523-Florence 1605) to celebrate five hundred years since his birth. An exceptional event for a Flemish artist who contributed significantly to the city where he chose to reside until the end of his eighty-two years. The unprecedented exhibition features approximately eighty works including paintings, drawings, prints, books, tapestries, and instruments, and offers a unique introduction to the artist, Giorgio Vasari’s most important and most versatile collaborator in decorating the ducal rooms and and the Sala Grande - known as the Salone dei Cinquecento - of ducal palace.
From 18 October 2024 to 26 January 2025, Palazzo Vecchio will host the Michelangelo e il Potere Exhibition, curated by Cristina Acidini and Sergio Risaliti, promoted by the Municipality of Florence in collaboration with the Casa Buonarroti Foundation and organized by the MUS.E Foundation. The project and the direction of the exhibition are curated by the architect Guido CioMpi, in collaboration with the architect Gianluca Conte of the Guido CioMpi & partners studio.
The Michelangelo e il Potere Exhibition – made possible thanks to exceptional loans from prestigious institutions such as the Uffizi Galleries, the Bargello Museums, the Casa Buonarroti Foundation, the Fundacion Coleccion Thyssen-BorneMisza and the Gallerie Nazionali d’ Arte Antica di Roma, to name just a few – will be held on the second floor of Palazzo Vecchio, between the Sala delle Udienze and the Sala dei Gigli, with a display of more than fifty works: sculptures, paintings, drawings, autographed letters and plaster casts chosen to illustrate Michelangelo’s relationship with power, his political vision and his determination to place himself on an equal footing with the powerful of the earth. The true star of the Exhibition will be the famous bust of Brutus, exceptionally loaned by the Museo Nazionale del Bargello and exhibited for the first time in history at Palazzo Vecchio.
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Poiché il palazzo ospita la sede del Comune di Firenze è possibile che, in occasione di particolari cerimonie istituzionali, il museo venga totalmente chiuso al pubblico o che vengano momentaneamente chiuse alcune sale.
Non sempre la chiusura totale del museo o parziale delle sale sono prevedibili con largo anticipo, si consiglia quindi, prima della visita, di controllare sul sito le "Comunicazioni ai visitatori”.
Accessibile ad eccezione del Mezzanino e di alcuni ambienti delle attività educative (ingresso da via dei Gondi).
Accesso non consentito ai minori di 6 anni. I minori di 18 anni devono essere accompagnati da un adulto.
In caso di pioggia la torre di Arnolfo è chiusa al pubblico; sarà possibile accedere solo al camminamento medioevale.
Piazza della Signoria
Tel. Biglietteria 055 2768325