The ticket includes the guided tour + the ticket entrance to the museum
La visita accompagna il pubblico alla comprensione di uno straordinario documento della storia dell’ordine domenicano ...
Friday 3.00pm
Available languages:
For everybody From 10 years
Maximum number
Price: 5 Eur + museum ticket
For further information on Guided tour or educational activities please send an email to or call +39 0552768224
The tour leads the visitors to comprehend an extraordinary document of the Dominican Order’s history but also a fundamental chapter of the city of Florence. This is why a special attention will be devoted to the history of the order, whose theological character is deeply embedded in all the architectural and artistic accomplishments of the convent. The tour will also focus on the active participation of the citizens since the foundation of the complex, that was supported thanks to donations and patronage and was to involve the greatest artists of the Middle Ages and of the Renaissance: Giotto, Masaccio, Filippo Brunelleschi, Paolo Uccello, Domenico Ghirlandaio, Filippino Lippi.
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