Official Box Office of the Florentine Civic Museums

Official Box Office of the Florentine Civic Museums



Number of Tickets




Number of Tickets


Museo di Palazzo Vecchio

Palazzo Vecchio symbolises the city and has been its seat of government for more than seven centuries.
Don't miss: the ruins of the Roman theatre, the monumental apartments decorated by celebrated 15th and 16th century artists, or the breathtaking view from the battlements and tower.


10.00 euro
Info Tickets Visits

Santa Maria Novella

The Santa Maria Novella complex includes the basilica and the adjacent civic museum in the former convent.
Don't miss: Giotto's painted Crucifix, Masaccio's Trinity, Brunelleschi's carved Crucifix or the fresco cycle in the Green Cloister illustrating Stories from Genesis and including Paolo Uccello's celebrated depiction of the Flood.


5.00 euro
Info Tickets Visits

Museo Stefano Bardini

The museum has faithfully maintained the original layout designed by Stefano Bardini, a celebrated antique dealer who donated his collection to Florence in 1922.
Don't miss: Tino di Camaino's Charity, Donatello's Madonna of the Apple and Madonna of the Ropemakers, Pollaiolo's St. Michael the Archangel or Guercino's Atlas.


5.50 euro
Info Tickets Visits

Museo Novecento

The Museo Novecento is dedicated to the Italian art of the 20th and 21st century. It offers a permanent collection and many temporary exhibitions, art installations and special projects. The museum is located in the ancient Spedale of the Leopoldine in Santa Maria Novella Square.


4.50 euro
Info Tickets Visits

Cappella Brancacci

Situated in the south transept of the Basilica del Carmine, the Brancacci Chapel is famous for its fresco cycle depicting the Stories of St. Peter. Painted by Masolino da Panicale and the young Masaccio, who left it unfinished in 1427, the cycle was completed by Filippino Lippi between 1481 and 1483.


7.00 euro
Info Tickets Visits

Fondazione Salvatore Romano

The medieval refectory of Santo Spirito has housed the collection donated to the city by antique dealer Salvatore Romano since 1946.
Don't miss: its sculptures, fragments of architectural decoration and detached frescoes stretching from the Roman era to the 16th century, including works by Tino di Camaino and Donatello.


5.00 euro
Info Tickets Visits

Firenze Card

Firenzecard is the official museum pass of the city of Florence. The card costs €85, is valid for 72 hours from first use and allows you to access each of the museums participating in the Circuit only once and to visit their permanent collections and temporary exhibitions, at no additional cost.

Costo Card

85.00 euro
Info Acquista