The ticket includes the guided tour plus the ticket entrance to the museum.
Nel museo si respira la passione che ha animato l’antiquario e connoisseur Stefano Bardini nell’acquisire nel corso della sua vita una quantità così ingente di opere d’arte. La visita permetterà di conoscere la sua straordinaria collezione, dalle grandi opere – fra cui la Carità di Tino di Camaino o la Madonna dei Cordai di Donatello – alle preziose testimonianze di arti minori quali cassoni, maioliche, tappeti, armi, bronzetti.
*Guided tours are held in Italian language .or further information on Guided tour or educational activities please send an email to
Available languages:
*Guided tours are held in Italian language .For further information on Guided tour or educational activities please send an email to
For everybody from 10 years old
Accessible apart from the Arms Room. Entrance is at no. 1, Piazza de' Mozzi.
Maximum number
Price: 5 Eur + museum ticket
For further information on Guided tour or educational activities please send an email to
The museum takes its name from its creator Stefano Bardini (1836-1922), amongst the most prominent Italian antiquarians, that after being a merchant for several years, decided to turn his private collection into a museum and to donate it to the Municipality of Florence.
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